Helping One Another Even in Hardtimes

Life is like a game of cards. The hand that is dealt you represents determinism; the way you play it is free will. ~Jawaharal Nehru

People are often worried about what they do or don’t have. Honestly, some of the happiest people that I have seen in my lifetime haven’t had a lot. But they kept pushing on and through their difficult situations to better times. When I read the quote by Jawaharal Nehru, it reminded me of a poem written by William Ernest Henley entitled Invictus. The closing lines of the poem read, “I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.”

Today’s quote and Mr. Henley’s poem remind us that we can take back control of our lives to make them better. We can become the people that we would like to be, just as our children can become the people that they would like to be. It is up to each of us as parents, guardians, teachers, mentors, elders, or whatever else you may be to a youth to teach them to be independent and productive members of society. We also need to teach them how to be helpful to others in need, but that begins with being helpful ourselves and modeling that behavior for our children.

Most people will counter this with, “I don’t have the money to help someone else.” However, you should keep in mind that helping someone can take as little time as a few seconds and is not bound to money. If each one of us helped two people and those people helped two people, could you imagine how many people could be touch by kindness?

Today’s action step: There are a few action steps for today. The first is to smile as you walk past someone and say, “Hello.” You never know who might just need that small thing to make their day better and it doesn’t cost you a thing. Second, check in on someone that you haven’t spoken to in a while. I know that we all get busy and involved in our own lives, but it can be helpful to re-connect with those that we haven’t seen or spoken to. Try to think of some ways that you can help someone that doesn’t cost a thing. I’ll start you out with donating clothes that you aren’t using to someone (or an organization) that can. Okay, now get out there and help someone!