Sharpening Your Success

by Danielle M. Miller

One of the hardest questions I ask people who come to me for coaching is for them to give me their definition of success.  Most give me what society has deemed as successful: money, recognition, material possessions, freedom, etc., because that is what we have been conditioned to believe quantifies success.

People often don’t understand the difference between society’s given perception of success and their own personal definition.  In order to move into understanding  of one’s self, it is essential that you are able to define what success is to you.  You must decide what your life would look like if order for you to achieve success.

This type of thinking often is difficult for people to sort of wrap their minds around because what constitutes success has been ingrained in our minds for so long.

The idea here is that unless you can clearly envision your ultimate life you will not be able to make it happen.  It’s like when you were in school and the overhead projector was out of focus; the teacher would have to turn the glass one way or another to try to get the information in focus and then AHHH…clear as could be.

Remember your success is truly your own.  When you align your goals and your values, your success will be crystal clear!

Danielle Miller is One Smart Cookie. She empowers women to not just step into their brilliance, but LEAP into it with passion, purpose and joy! Learn to Create the Life You Crave….with Sizzle and Spice! Get your motivation recipe at