Barbara Erby-Young, BCBA, LBA, QBA, IBA

Board Certified Behavior Analyst

Licensed Behavior Analyst (Alabama, Maryland, and Virginia)

Qualified Behavior Analyst

International Behavior Analyst

Mrs. Erby-Young has worked with people who have differing needs for over 30 years… and she loves what she gets to do everyday. Barbara enjoys having the opportunity to change the world by making a difference in the lives of the people that she interacts with. “Most people don’t get to see the effect that they have on the world, but I do. I have learned from my clients how to think outside of the box as well as to approach each day with a new zeal for life. I believe that every person on this planet can learn. I believe that each of us has our own greatest level of independence that we can reach. AND I believe that it is my job to be there and willing to help those who need it.”

Mrs. Erby-Young has worked in classrooms, center based programs as well as home and community based programs. She has experience performing assessments, writing and teaching learning programs, facilitating social groups, parent groups, workshops, and seminars. Barbara also enjoy working with other organizations to train their staff, but she loves being able to talk to parents… to let them know that they are not alone and that we can get your child beyond where they are right now. She is author of the book Beginning Your Child’s Journey of Change.

To make an appointment with Barbara, click here!
