September Updates!

Phew! June, July and August just flew by. The summer schedule is finally over and the kiddos are back in school. I recently spent time updating the website… and by updating, I mean gave it an entirely new look (stop by and check it out).


I am also trying to make things easier for our clients. Clients are now able to book appointments online, the Calendar has been updated, I added a Workshops section to Other Services page and you are able to pay for your workshop online if dates and times have already been chosen. If you can think of anything else that would help make things easier for you let me know. Likewise, if there is anything that you would like to learn about, I would like to know. Leave a comment below so that we can bring you more of the services you are interested in. If you would feel better emailing, feel free to do that. You can reach us at [email protected].


Hugs and success,

Barbara Erby-Young