“Our choices reveal our intentions.”
~Simon Sinek
Think before you act… Act, don’t react. I think it’s important to consider different aspects when making decisions. What is the end goal you are trying to accomplish? Where is it you want to be? I also consider that my actions have an impact on the generations that come behind me. This includes my own children, family members, and friends as well as those of the children and adults that I work with.
Sometimes, it can be hard. The decisions that we make everyday are not always the easiest to come to. I think we make the best decisions that we can based on the information we have available at the time. Sometimes, you have to pivot from your current path and make a small change that can have a big impact. Sometimes, you have to change paths all together.
A good example of this is the construction of a Service Treatment Plan (STP). When I sit down to determine the best course of action within a STP, I need to take several things into account. Medical history, likes/dislikes, the assessment I will be using, every bit of information about a person that I know. Once we have the STP in place and I need to make changes, I have to consider all of this information again plus what I have learned over the time that we have worked with the person and their family. Sometimes it’s not the chosen goal, but the objectives and the details (targets or teaching methods) that I need to change. Sometimes, we need to re-examine the assessment and results for something we may have missed. Regardless, I have to consider what we want as the end goal.
When it’s all said and done, I want my children and those I worked with to say that I tried to make the world a better place for them and others. I hope the choices I’ve made (especially as an adult) have shown that.