Announcement: Increased Security Measures

In an effort to protect the health, welfare, and safety of our clients as well as to increase the security of all files that are maintained and transmitted by electronic means, all information that is sent from BDS that contains any client’s name or other identifying information (e.g., reports, data sheets, graphs, etc.) will be password protected.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us. We can be reached by telephone at 240-355-0834 or by email at [email protected].

Thank you for your assistance in maintaining the privacy of your children,

Barbara Erby

Education & Behavioral Consultant

Breakthrough Developmental Services, LLC

Compliance Announcement: CJIS Changes

Effective Sunday, April 15, 2012 the FBI will no longer accept paper fingerprint cards. Due to this announcement, we have amended the BDS Policies and Procedures to accommodate the change. While we understand that this may cause some inconvenience, we must also maintain compliance with  regulations.


Normally, there wouldn’t be a need to me to inform you all about such changes. However, because of the decision by the FBI, we will need to make some slight changes to our hiring practices. If you plan on hiring a Behavioral Technician in within the next week, I would recommend that you contact the office at 240-355-0834, email us at [email protected] or use the Contact Form on our website so that we can let you know about the new process.


Barbara Erby

Education & Behavioral Consultant

Breakthrough Developmental Services, LLC

Ear Infections

After reading several of the articles that were posted on our Pinterest page about ear infections, I thought that I should reach out to our readers about them. Especially, since I have recently gotten over a bilateral ear infection myself. If you haven’t had an ear infection (or don’t remember your last one), then count yourself blessed. I think that we can often forget how bad the pain can be until we are in the midst of it. I wouldn’t wish that pain upon my worst enemy. I had a lot of them when I was younger, but as I have gotten older and my eustachian tube has gotten a little bit longer I have them less frequently.

I wanted to encourage all of our families out there (and those of you who are not) to check out the article that we pinned to our boards located at Children cannot always tell us when they are sick and it is important to recognize the signs of sickness and know when we need to contact a specialist. This is a subject that is very dear to me because I almost lost my hearing as a child. So, please take a few moments to look over these articles.

Barbara Erby

About Barbara
Barbara Erby is an Education & Behavioral Consultant with Breakthrough Developmental Services, LLC. Barbara received her Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Bowie State University in 1999 and a Master of Science in Psychology with a specialization in Educational Psychology and an emphasis in Developmental Psychology from Capella University in 2004. Ms. Erby has worked with a variety of students in the school, home, and community environments as a Direct Care Worker, Family Trainer, and an Education & Behavioral Consultant.

Focus 2012 ~ Guidepost for Success

For those of you that have been following us on Facebook, you know that BDS staff members will be at Focus 2012 ~ Guideposts for Success on March 10th. Guidepost for Success will be taking place at Bel Air High School from 8:30 am – 1:00 pm. This conference focuses on teens and young adults with special needs and their families facing the challenges of transition to adulthood.  There will be vendors, agencies, organizations, and support groups that provide services to individuals with special needs.


Make sure that you stop by and say “hello” to staff members at our table in the exhibitor area. You know that I always customize our tables to fit to location. Since this one is at Bell Air High, you have to see what I have planned.


Hope to see you there!
